Betty J. Slade Follows Her Dreams
Betty J. Slade will tell you she is an everyday, regular person.
Like the rest of us, she deals with the aches, pains, and heartaches life throws her way. But these ups and downs don’t stop her from following her dreams. Betty has big plans, and she bubbles with creativity, enthusiasm, and passion. If you tell her you’re too old to learn something new, Betty will suggest you reconsider and will use herself as the example.
As a COLUMNIST for the Pagosa Springs SUN Newspaper, Betty J. Slade writes a weekly column called “The Artist’s Lane.” Loyal followers chuckle at her insights and the antics of her husband, Sweet Al.
As an ARTIST, Betty’s creativity flows into her oil and watercolor landscapes and portraits.
As an AUTHOR, Betty J. Slade writes about courageous women in perilous times. Her debut novel, Taming Wild Hearts, Disappointment Valley Series, Book 1, is set in the Pagosa Springs, Colorado, area. As a new author, she’s putting in the time and legwork to learn best marketing strategies, what she needs to do to establish her social media platform and online presence, and what she must do to build her network and grow her audience of readers.
I’m always curious to hear or read about the experiences people go through when they learn new things, so I asked Betty to share important lessons she has learned as a new author.
What have been the most valuable lessons you’ve learned working with your editors?
Trust my editor’s heart. We want the same things: a well-designed and edited book that touches readers’ hearts.
Trust my editor’s timing. The editing process takes time, especially when my publisher is popular and has many editors and authors.
Trust my editor’s honesty. Growing thick skin is not always an easy process, but clear and helpful feedback is critical to producing a quality book.
What have been the most important lessons you’ve learned working through the design process?
The publisher has as much invested in my project as I do. We both want my book to reach readers and touch their hearts.
The publisher has tried and true methods to get these books into the marketplace. I have to trust this knowledge and experience.
Clear communication and a willingness to compromise or rethink ideas with the graphics designer is important.
Tell me about Taming Wild Hearts.
This story is about the almost extinct Curly Sulphur Mustang and the man and woman who try to save this horse.
Sulphur Mustangs are the last strains of relatively pure horses that the Spanish brought to North America 400 years ago. They are in danger of extinction. I hope this book raises public awareness of this American treasure. —Dr. Mitch Wilkinson
From the back cover:
Nova Bree Steele is on the run after witnessing a murder in San Francisco. She hitchhikes to a ranch in the heart of the Rocky Mountains in search of Joe Crawford, a good man she heard could help her.
Modern-day cowboy, Luke Barrett, rescues a rare Curly Sulphur Mustang from poachers in Disappointment Valley, Colorado. He and Bree join the efforts of a doctor working to save the Curly Sulphur Mustang breed from extinction.
Their lives, and the life of a rare mustang collide in the crosshairs of greedy men and the San Francisco Syndicate. They must find common ground and learn to work together, or they won’t survive the pursuits of evil men.
Now available! Get your copy today.
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