Thanks to all of you who contacted me via this website to inquire about Dr. Hanson, formerly of Centeno Schultz Clinic. I was impressed with the stories you shared about how much he helped you manage or eliminate your pain. He is a highly-skilled and kind-hearted man, and it is with great pleasure that I share this note from him. I wish you the best. Derinda Babcock
To My Patient Friends:
At long last, final preparations are being made for me to be able to treat patients again. It has been a defining process to consider how I would create a clinic without any other input. I truly believe the end result will look and feel very little like the typical physician/clinical experience, as every preparation is aimed exclusively at understanding, educating and healing people.
Thank you, again, for the many well wishes and dedication. I’m happy to discuss how you’re doing and sensible next steps for you. I can be contacted at docronhanson@gmail.com. A website will follow in the future, but as I’ve taken longer than I thought to get going, I’d like to spend time ensuring that you’re cared for to the best of my abilities ASAP.
My best to you all
Ron Hanson, MD
If you posted here, and your comment was deleted, I apologize. Something happened to my spam filter plug-in and each post was filling up with garbage, so your post must have been deleted. Thanks for stopping by.
Dr. Hanson’s deleted comment said he is setting up practice in the Twin City area of Minnesota.
Hello Derinda
WHAT A WONDERFUL ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! (you have been corresponding with my Sister, Nina who also was treated by Dr. Hanson for her hip and back.) I was very fortunate in that Dr. Hanson allowed me to observe her treatments—he is fantastic–so glad that he is back. I have just corresponded with him concerning a very dear Friend who has horrible back pain –(and is a victim of Parkinson’s disease as well–I am hoping that he may be able to assist her. I have shared Dr. Hanson’s email address so that they may correspond.
Your web site and articles are fascinating THANKS for sharing.
Sidney, NE
You are most welcome.
I’m pleased that you’ve made contact with Dr. Hanson. I hope your friend is able to visit him, and that the quality of her life is made better because her pain is reduced.
All bloggers want their sites and newsletters to be helpful to their audience, so I’m appreciative that you have found mine to be so, and that you took the time to let me know. Such comments encourage me.
My best to you, your sister, and your friend.
Hello…I’m in California and wanted to get in touch with Dr. Hanson. I wanted to know of any doctors here that are doing the Regenexx procedure. I need my hip fixed. Boy does it hurt.!!!
Any information would be appreciated. Thanks
Dr. Hanson can be reached at docronhanson@gmail.com. Thanks for stopping by.
I had a bad experience at the Centeno Clinic. ( I saw Centeno).
The staff and doctor both made errors in preparing and administering treatment.
Anyone else have problems there? If so, please contact me, thanks.
So sorry to hear this. Perhaps it’s time to contact Dr. Hanson? docronhanson@gmail.com
Yep, I did!
I also mentioned their clinic to only one other person. They went twice and said “bells and whistles” went off there, (their exact wording) and that they’d never go back.
I’m thinking of starting a blog – “REGENEXX, YAY OR NAY?!”
Reason being, I have heard of others actually having great outcomes – even the shuttle drivers from my hotel to their clinic told me of people they’ve met whom they’ve driven to their clinic and had great experiences (these people did a few trips to the clinic and always stayed with their hotel so they spoke to them more than once).
That said, I gave them a good run (went 5X) and 3 of the 5 trips were utterly disappointing and even made my condition worse.
Professionalism was terrible.
Huge turn over in staff and as a female, can I ever pick up on the nurses vibes. Something is NOT RIGHT at that clinic! If you pay attention to the vibes, you will see for yourself.
Our experiences at the clinic were very successful, but then we worked with Dr. Hanson and Ben Newton. We continue to see Shannon Bock for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, and she’s great. So sorry to hear about the bad experiences. There are a lot of people who need pain relief.